The Intergalactic Time Travelers

If you come to the Art Park during the day, you can see the Intergalactic Time Travelers, a little band of 21 creatures, each about a foot tall, made from a variety of plumbing parts, gears and other material. They sit atop an inconspicuous, large, metal pole which serves as their magnetic charging station. Each with a unique appearance, the Time Travelers make an impressive lineup.

But if you stay at the Art Park until everything is quiet, until the hub-bub has died down, until the visitors have left and the sun is starting to set, you might get a glimpse of something even more impressive—the Time Travelers in motion.

Although they are not strictly nocturnal (they can work day or night), the Time Travelers prefer to work at night. Working during the day tends to attract crowds. And with crowds comes fuss—people oohing and aahing, asking questions, trying to touch them, trying to figure out what they’re made out of and how they’re programmed. Generally patient and pleasant creatures, the Time Travelers hate a fuss.

Because of this, the Time Travelers wait until the Art Park is deserted before leaping down from their charging station and firing up their orange disks. Made from metal and only just large enough to hold one Time Traveler, these orange disks are their mode of transportation. They can travel at warp speed to anywhere in the world or even to other planets—or they carry the Time Travelers as they zip around the Art Park.

The Time Travelers’ first task each evening is to download the mission that has been sent to them by Dr. Evermor, their creator, through the energy waves of the Forevertron. Through the years, their missions have taken them around the world and beyond. Dr. Evermor often sends them to help people in need wherever they may be. The missions are sometimes of great political importance and secrecy. The Time Travelers have even been known to assist the United Nations Peacekeeping troops (the strictest confidentiality always applies to their roles here). But their missions are sometimes much simpler and more tightly focused. A mission might be something like bringing fun to a forlorn child, company to a lonely elderly person, or a smile to someone in difficult circumstances.

Although the Time Travelers (usually) take their work very seriously, they are rarely serious. They have great senses of humor and love nothing more than a well-carried out practical joke, whether it be on one of their own or an innocent bystander. If you watch them at night, you’ll almost certainly get to see some of their pranks.

Although often just the sight of these little metal figures makes others smile, their ability to bring healing and happiness is based on more than just a slick design and mischievous shenanigans. The Time Travelers possess a deeper power that enables them to radiate positive energy to all those around them. This power originates from their connection with the Forevertron. The special level 7 energy found in the Forevertron has the ability to activate the inner spiritual strength inherent in people and to magnify the natural goodness of any being (human or not). Made from the same materials as the Forevertron and by the same creator, the connection between the Forevertron and the Time Travelers is unusually strong, allowing an undiluted, uncontaminated sharing of power from the Forevertron to them. This, along with the purity of intent and innocence each Time Traveler possesses, causes the power of the Forevertron to function at extremely high levels within the Time Travelers.

Their most common and most important of all missions is to tune up and repair the Forevertron, making sure it remains in perfect condition. If you’re lucky—and very quiet—this is the mission you might be able to observe at the Art Park. After flying over to the Forevertron on their orange disks, the Time Travelers station themselves at their posts. Each has unique skills and tools, yet they work together seamlessly, anticipating the needs of the others, appearing where their skills or tools are needed before they’ve been asked. As they work, they chatter, a strange mechanical-sounding language that nobody else in the galaxy speaks. The Time Travelers can speak all the languages of earth and are able to communicate with anyone they encounter. But left alone, they revert to this language, the one with which they are most comfortable.

When the time comes for the Time Travelers to take a break, they gather in a circle. Soon a melodic noise fills the air, a music unlike any other found on earth. Their tools and even their own bodies become the instruments. Their voices, singing in the same language they have been speaking, add to it. The songs are upbeat and fast, full of fun and vitality.

When they’re finished, the Time Travelers zip back to their charging station, where they will await their next assignment.

Author Credit: Leslie Huber