Spaceship and Intergalactic Gawker Birds

Spaceship (2004)

While the Forevertron was built to take earthlings such as Dr. Evermor into space and through time to visit different realms, the Spaceship brings extraterrestrials here to visit Earth. The Spaceship doesn’t travel through the universe, though. It stays planted in its location in the Art Park. Instead, it transports extraterrestrials inter-dimensionally with a magnetic electrical force of great strength. These extraterrestrials recognize the intergalactic energy always present at the Art Park and so come often to visit.

The Spaceship was designed by Dr. Evermor and built largely by his friend’s son, Aaron Howard, from regular materials found on earth. The main body was built from a stainless steel hopper that came from Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Baraboo where it had held cotton balls used for wadding in ammunition. The spaceship legs, which lift the ship forty feet off the ground, are salvaged light poles. Thrusters, large mercury engines that came from OMC—a company that distributes parts in Beloit, Wisconsin, provide the power the ship needs to take-off and maneuver through space.

The Spaceship design relies on measurements focused around the number 12. For example, the legs tip in twelve degrees and the antennae angle out at twelve degrees. The pipes at the bottom of the ship’s body, wrecked pipes and tubing brought from Indiana, suction energy from the ground to supply to the spaceship while the finial on top, located between two large antennae, acts as the guidance system to direct the magnetic electrical force.

The Spaceship does most of its transporting of extraterrestrials under the cover of night so as not to startle people passing by the Art Park. The extraterrestrials it brings sometimes stay only for a short night visit, but sometimes they stay for longer. The Spaceship isn’t the only device to bring intergalactic visitors to the Art Park though. The Gyromni (described on the next page) does also. But don’t worry. The Art Park’s extraterrestrial visitors are friendly.

Intergalactic Gawker Birds (2000)

If you’re hanging around the Spaceship, you will certainly see the Intergalactic Gawker Birds. These extraterrestrial birds sense the energy from the Spaceship and come to gawk up at it as it brings its visitors.

The Gawker Birds were made mostly by Aaron Howard under Doc’s direction. Dr. Evermor had obtained from the PDQ Company some stainless steel tubes of various lengths that were made for ice machines but had some design error. He told Aaron he couldn’t cut them or alter them though as that would ruin the spirit of the pieces. When the birds were finished, Dr. Evermor inscribed the name of a Native American tribe on each.

Author Credit: Leslie Huber