Other Bird Band Creatures: Leaping Lizards, Wish Fish and Benches

Although full of an array of birds of every kind, birds are actually not the only creatures in the Bird Band. Look closely and you might see some of these other sculptures that help complete the band.

Leaping Lizards

On the left side of the Bird Band is a collection of other creatures, blended in with the birds so well that at first you might not even notice that they are something altogether different—they’re lizards! This collection of lizards send off a vibe that is a combination of whimsical fun and eerily alien. Some were painted by friends—both children and adults—during a paint party hosted by Dr. Evermor and Lady Eleanor.

Like the birds, there are different types of lizards. Often knobby-kneed with long machine chain tails, their bodies incorporate pieces of metal leftovers from projects done in factories throughout the area. Some of the lizards play instruments—a collection of horns fanning out like a peacock’s feathers.

Wish Fish

If you pay close attention, you can catch sight of a handful of smaller creature within the Bird Band just in front of the Leaping Lizards. These shrimp-like sculptures are known as Wish Fish, the metal rings joined together to form their bodies appearing much like a shell of a shrimp. Although smaller than the surrounding birds or even lizards, the Wish Fish still send the message that they are an important part of this medley. Their position near the front of the band along with the proud curve of their necks and the double bugles, made also from unfinished horns, suggest they are the messengers here, announcing the arrival perhaps of a new intergalactic visitor or commanding everyone’s attention before a new performance of the entire Bird Band.

Slingher Bencher (2003)

Intermixed throughout the band are a few benches where a weary visitor can sit for a few minutes to rest her feet. As you might expect in the Art Park though, these are not your ordinary benches. Instead, they are creatures—two different types of creatures in fact. Some have wavy bodies and buggy eyes while the others have radiator bodies and tall eyes on springs. Either way, if you take a seat on one of these, even your rest at the Art Park won’t be dull.

Author Credit: Leslie Huber