Overlord Master Control Center

The Overlord Master Control Center (begun in 1987) is a work in process. Once finished, it will rise 87 feet in the air and be comprised of seven levels, some of which are completed while others are still being assembled. The Control Center functions as the command and guidance system for travelers launching into space or time from the Forevertron.

The power sources for the Control Center are located in the first level. The base is made of eight generators along with compressors, rheostats, and motors. It also contains a navy buoy that came from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where it was used to support anti-submarine netting during the Cold War.

The seven attached Magnetic Laser Love Guns are important components of the Control Center. They rise 22 feet from ground level, and are located on level two. Each Master Controller operates one of the attached periscopes, which were originally designed to be used in tanks, to search the crowd of spectators. If the Master Controller spots people who aren’t smiling, he shoots them right in the rear, infusing them with the spirit of love, correcting their behavior. Close by on the ground is the Mobile Magnetic Laser Love Gun. Unattached to the Control Center, this is a “field gun”—needed when the target is too far to be reached with the attached guns. Directly behind the dome, which is on level three, is a lookout area where other workers are able to control the motion of the love guns.

When preparing for a launch, the Master Controller enters the porthole on the cannon controller’s level and climbs the circular stairway to the control chair. A security guard stationed outside provides protection for his important work. Once in his chair, the Master Controller analyzes heavenly messages received by the Celestial Listening Ears and sent over to him. He then checks conditions—both in space and with the Forevertron. When he feels confident that everything is ready, he sends a signal to calibrate the Magnetic Steering Gyro on the Forevertron and announces “Power Up! Power On!” With this cue, the travel chamber is launched into space. The Master Controller continues to direct the travel egg to make sure it continues its course in the right direction.

Because of the importance of the Master Controller position, only someone absolutely trustworthy can fill the position. Dr. Evermor selected his friend of sixty years, Dr. Chester Cjersten, who is also his dentist and former army colonel. It’s only fitting then that the controller’s chair came from a dentist office!

Above the level with the Master Controller’s chair is the Observation Deck with its telescope. Higher up still is the widow’s walk and then the crow’s nest, providing even another lookout. This is the highest level any person can go. A decorative finial reaches beyond this. Dr. Evermor installed a special lightning rod at the very top to pick up any stray lightning that might come in.

Author Credit: Leslie Huber